Roadway Protection:The protection of highways and roads from environmental disasters are facilitated with the use of R gabions that stabilize the slopes protecting the shoulders which are susceptible to erosion. Retaining Walls: gabions used as retaining walls are functional, economical solution and a good alternative to other types of retaining structures due to their flexibility and permeability. Rock fall Protection: Rolls of fabric with lacing, done by joining together, are provided as a blanket to cover the surface of the slopes to protect any infrastructure built on the foot of the slopes against rockfall. gabion constructed as retaining wall is an alternative. Bridges and Culverts Protection: Bridge abutments and culverts are potentially at risk of scouring during heavy rains and strong flow of water. gabion boxes and mattresses can be used as abutments and protective structure that aid the flow of water avoiding the danger of erosion due to their good permeability characteristics. Coastline Structure and Protection: gabions and mattresses are highly resistant to corrosion and other environmental effects which are suitable for marine works, such as; retaining walls, ramps, beach protection, small jetties, groins, and piers built at great speed and minimum cost. The use of gabions and mattresses dissipate wave energy conserving beaches from being eroded.
Channel Lining:Channels are protected using gabion and mattress structures against erosion which control and guide the movement of water naturally. Boundary or Security Fences: units can be used as fences which are cost effective compared to concrete fences.
Our products have following advantages:
Gabions, by virtue of their matchless strength, excellent engineering adaptability and proven reliability, have become the chosen building material for the tremendous variety of construction works. These includes road construction, Retaining walls, Water recharge dams, soil erosion protection, Bridge protection, Coastal defence, Harbour works, River training works, Culverts, weirs & Rock slide protection works.
Flexibility. Ability tolerate different settlement without fracture allowing the structure to withstand any unpredictable movement or settlement without loss or stability. This property is very important when a structure is on unstable ground or in an area where scour from waves or currents can undermineit.
Strength. Our products are designed to withstand and absorb the forces generated by retained earth or flowing water. Higher resistance to natural forces due to better tensile strength.
Permeability. Our products combine drainage and retention functions becoming ideal structures for slope stabilization.
Durability. Our products efficiency increases instead of decreasing with age since further consolidation takes place as silt and soil collect in the voids and vegetation becomes established.
Economy. Simple & speedy installation , using natural or quarried stones obtained locallyno skilled labor, minimum foundation preparation, no costly drainage systems.
Environmental friendly. The Gabion structure blends easily and harmoniously with natural surroundings. They allow the growth of vegetation maintain the existing environment and are suitable for decorative landscaping.